
Kevin Durant is now the Best Player in the NBA

My apologies to Lebron James, but Kevin Durant is now the NBA’s best player. On Tuesday night he put on a show in the Staples Center as his Oklahoma City Thunder thumped a very good Los Angeles Clippers team 109-97. Durant had 32 points, many of them from three point-land. What is remarkable about this is the man is a seven footer. He handles the rock like a guard. He can go into the paint with authority when he wants to as well. If you respect his lightning quick drives to the hoop, no problem, he just sticks a three in your face. If you get up on him, he blows past you for a dunk. If you double him, he finds his buddy Russell Westbrook wide oped for a three ball. He cannot be defended.

If Durant can stay healthy he will win multiple scoring titles, like perhaps in double digits. Imagine Michael Jordan, only taller. That is what he is. And the scary part? He is still getting better. Blake Griffin played last night like a true superstar. He played like a Lebron type guy. He wasn’t just dunking, he was hitting jumpers and hooks and even free throws. He rounded missed shots and dunked them. He was all over the place. And it did not matter. Because Durant would just drain a three and the Thunder lead would expand.

The NBA Finals will be a Thunder vs Miami Heat rematch. The only way Miami wins it again is if Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh play out of their minds. Because in the match-up of James vs Durant, I’ll take Durant.

The people of Seattle are giddy now that the Kings are on their way. But, watching Durant and Westbrook has to make them sick at their stomachs. This team was after all, the Seattle Super Sonics when Durant was a rookie. So you had a team that likely will win multiple rings and instead you are getting the Sacramento Kings. Congratulations.

The only other fan base more sick would be the Portland Trail Blazers. They passed up on Durant to pick Greg Oden. But they should be used to it by now, because they also passed up on Michael Jordan to take a big man that had constant leg problems too in Sam Bowie.

I know there are a lot of people who will say “wait until he wins a ring until you put him above Lebron and Kobe”. I get that. But remember, those guys didn’t win rings right out of the gate either. Durant winning rings is an inevitability. The only question now is how many will he get and when will he get his first. I think it will be this year.

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